Do wind farms impact property value?

Offshore wind farms are generally located far out at sea with very little impact on the view. In these cases, studies reveal that offshore wind has little to no influence on property prices.


Do oceanside properties lose value with an offshore wind farm nearby?


Studies have found that property prices are generally not affected by offshore wind farms located far out at sea.

Study finds property prices unaffected by offshore wind

In 2018, a large-scale study analyzed the impact of onshore and offshore wind turbines on the value of nearby residential and vacation properties in Denmark, a country that has had offshore wind for 30 years.1

It concluded that having an ocean view including a wind farm had no significant impact on property prices, in comparison to having a sea view without a wind farm.

Wind farms do not impact property values, even when close to the shore

Ocean Wind 1 delivers clean energy – from a distance

The study included two Danish offshore wind farms that are relatively close to the shore – Nystad at 2.2 miles and Rødsand 5.6 miles. In neither case were property prices affected by the presence of offshore wind farms.

By comparison, Ocean Wind 1 will be 15 miles from the shore, making it less visible from oceanside properties.

Ocean wind far from shore
Do offshore wind farms harm tourism?
Do offshore wind farms harm tourism?
Offshore wind has only recently arrived in the U.S. But from what is known so far, there is no reason to fear that it puts tourists off visiting the ocean.
Is offshore wind power reliable?
Is offshore wind power reliable?
Offshore wind is a highly reliable energy source. Wind turbines are able to generate clean energy out at sea, even when wind speeds seem low from the shore.
Can offshore wind and commercial fishing coexist?
Can offshore wind and commercial fishing coexist?
Ørsted works closely with the fishing industry when planning, building and operating wind farms, ensuring peaceful coexistence.
Do wind turbines hurt birds?
Do wind turbines hurt birds?
Of all human activity, wind turbines pose only a tiny danger to birdlife. Far greater is climate change, which threatens many species with extinction.
Can wind turbines be recycled?
Can wind turbines be recycled?
When wind turbines eventually reach the end of their lifespan, 85 to 95% of what they’re made of can be recycled.
What is the carbon footprint of offshore wind?
What is the carbon footprint of offshore wind?
Emissions from building turbines are vastly outweighed by those saved through generating clean power.
Lorem ipsum
What is offshore wind power?

Offshore wind power explained

How we capture the power of the wind at sea to produce clean, reliable electricity