1. Offshore wind can generate large volumes of electricity without burning any fuel or emitting any carbon dioxide.
2. Since offshore wind is located miles out at sea, it can hardly be seen from the shore, and can’t be heard at all.
3. The wind at sea is stronger, more consistent and less turbulent than on land. This means more power can be generated more reliably.
4. It’s possible to transport much bigger towers and blades by boat than by road, making it easy to construct much bigger turbines, generating more power.
5. The sea is a huge place, with plenty of space to construct large numbers of turbines while avoiding shipping route or ecologically sensitive areas.
6. Half of the U.S. population lives near the coast. Offshore wind is ideally suited to meeting their energy needs.
How do offshore wind turbines work? Learn how the natural energy of the ocean breeze is used in the production of electricity that can power homes and businesses. Learn more
How do we bring wind power ashore? Learn how electricity generated at sea is brought to land so that it can be used to power homes and businesses. Learn more