A 3-day course in offshore wind
Developed by KidWind, the REcharge Academy is an annual training program for teachers that focuses on clean energy. Teachers from around New Jersey were invited to a three-day event in Atlantic City, attending expert lectures and touring
America’s first monopile manufacturing facility.
REcharge Academy gives teachers strategies for integrating lessons about clean energy into their curricula and classroom instruction. This year’s participants learned about the history, development, and function of wind turbines. They then explored innovative methods for teaching about offshore wind energy and learned about a variety of offshore wind careers.
Graduates of the REcharge Academy, including these 60 New Jersey teachers, can talk about offshore wind in an age-appropriate way to children grades K-12. They can develop interactive lessons and run hands-on activities that show how offshore wind turbines generate clean energy. And, they can steer students toward exciting, well-paid careers in industries that connect with offshore wind.